Pierre "The Word" has moved.
As you have noticed, I haven't been posting all that much lately. I haven't even been reading the other blogs that I frequent. Just got married, not to mention a bunch of other things that seem to consume me for a while.
I want to thank Pierre for the effort he put into this blog, especially since I just had it up and running for a few weeks, he helped me get it rolling. It served as a good stepping stone for him to start his own operation. The more Canadian content out there in hyperspace, the better for us small people working the markets north of the border.
Pierre's blog is called "Canadian Point and Figure".
I encourage everyone to read it, he has been around the markets for a long long time, and offers great insight.
I have a question for Pierre, and a request. Perhaps he can celebrate the recent Lonnie action by posting a daily point and figure chart of the USDCAD and give us some comments.