Yet another effective way of minimizing capitol depreciation by NOT paying for books.
If you have been reading this blog for a while you might remember the post about how to find books on line for free. How to find free ebooks is the topic once again. The post was on Tools for trading education. Read it after this post for a complete understanding.
Recently I wanted to read a book and did a quick search for the title. (This post will not use specific book names in the text as there are often searches done to find websites that show others where to find this material. I will give you the tools, you find it yourself!!)
To find almost anything you want, use the Google advanced search. Check out the screen shot below that shows how I searched for the book. Here is the Google advanced search.
... and the results, see the "visited" link?
Here is the link to the advanced search page results from Google, a link for an ebook, go to the second page down near the bottom. You will quickly find a link to the pdf.
Here is yet another trick if you have made it this far. Right click on the google link and select "copy shortcut". Paste that into the address bar of your browser and then remove the last part of the link that is the file name. Then hit enter. This will, in most cases, show you the contents of the directory. In this case, you are presented with a long list of books you might be interested in reading. All you need know is a cold beer and a large monitor. Enjoy!