Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Why small investors should avoid ‘cheap’ stocks

There are several reasons why small investors should avoid ‘cheap’ stocks, and I will take them up one by one. Before that, one must understand what is meant by ‘cheap’ stock.

Investopedia.com has the following definition:

“The illegal practice of issuing stock options at artificially low prices shortly before an initial public offering. Often underwriters will require a company to have more qualified management before they can go public. They attract these qualified individuals by giving options with a low exercise price.”

This was a practice which was prevalent prior to and during the dot.com boom in the USA, and is not unheard of in India. While it can lead to significant profits, the average small investor won’t be able to participate - unless his uncle or friend’s father was the promoter of the company. If a company is trying to sell its stock through bulk SMS and email messages at a lower price than its forthcoming IPO price, chances are that it is a ‘dud’ company and best avoided.

Then there are those companies that were the apple of investor’s eyes during the previous bull market, and reached stratospheric levels just before the crash in Jan 2008. Real estate stocks were at the forefront, followed by the stocks with the word ‘infrastructure’ in their name. Most of these apples had rotten cores. They have not only become cheap stocks, but continue to get cheaper by the day. Don’t go anywhere near them.

There are cheap stocks which are also called ‘penny stocks’ because they trade below Rs 10. Most of them are unknown, fraud companies who have no business and no intention of doing any business. Occasionally they boost up their share price from Rs 3 to Rs 8 by planting fake stories in the media about the great opportunity for investors once they dismantle the fourth rate defunct plant that they have bought in Uzbekistan or Burkina Faso and reinstall the plant in Jhumri Tilaiya. Avoid such stocks like the plague.

Some cheap stocks may appear cheap, but are not. A Re 1 face-value stock trading at Rs 15 is equivalent to a Rs 10 stock trading at Rs 150. A Rs 10 face-value stock trading at Rs 15 may not be cheap either, if it belongs to a loss-making company, or one that is trading at a P/E of 80 or 100. Stay away from such stocks.

What about stocks that appear relatively cheap with P/E ratios below 15 that generate strong cash flows from operations, have low debt/equity ratio and double-digit profit margins? Ah-ha, now we are talking. I just love to dig and find such stocks. They are the ones that will give a nice boost to your stock portfolio’s performance.

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