Selasa, 20 September 2011

Gold and Silver Chart Patterns: an update

Gold Chart Pattern


On a closing basis, gold’s chart appears to be forming a bearish ‘double-top’ reversal pattern, with two tops at 1900. The ‘double-top’ will get confirmed only on a drop below the ‘valley’ between the two tops. That means a drop below 1750. At the time of writing this post, gold’s price is at 1780.

In case of a convincing drop below 1750, gold’s price can move down to 1600. There is also the likelihood of a bounce up from the 1750 level, in which case the ‘double-top’ will be negated and instead, a rectangular consolidation pattern will get formed.

Gold’s price is still trading way above its 200 day moving average (not shown on chart), which means the bull market is very much intact. The present correction/consolidation – whatever it may turn out to be – should restore the technical health of gold’s chart for the next up move.

Silver Chart Pattern


Silver’s price chart hasn’t made much headway since my previous post two weeks back. A slightly lower top at 43.50 has been followed by a steady slide below the 40 mark. Looks like the price is headed down towards the support level of 38.

That level coincides with that of the 60 day MA (not shown in chart), so silver’s price is likely to bounce up and provide an entry opportunity. A break below 38 should find good support from the rising 200 day moving average - currently at 35.

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