Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

Gold and Silver Chart Patterns: an update

There is an old stock market saying: When in doubt, stay out. But in current politically and economically turbulent times, investors appear to have created a new maxim: When in doubt, buy gold (and silver).

Gold Chart Pattern


Gold is being bought as if the financial world is going to collapse tomorrow, or latest by next week. What else can explain a vertical $200 surge from 1700 to 1900 in the two weeks since my previous post?

Admittedly, there is sovereign gold buying, and Venezuela created a flutter by planning to repatriate $11 Billion worth of gold held in overseas banks. The sorry state of Eurozone banks is a major concern. But ask yourself: Is the global economy in a worse situation than it was in 2009?

One can debate the state of the global economy till the cows come home. The bottomline is that the parabolic rise in gold’s price over the past couple of months is unsustainable. The chart is looking extremely overbought, with the 14 day SMA (as well as the 30 day and 60 day SMAs – not shown in the chart above) climbing away from the rising 200 day SMA. A sharp correction, if not a crash, is around the corner.

If you are an investor who would rather buy gold (instead of Colgate or ITC shares), use the likely dip to buy gold ETFs. My preference is for the hefty dividends that Colgate and ITC shareholders receive – not to forget the occasional bonus shares.

Silver Chart Pattern


After a four month lull, during which silver’s price went through a decent correction, prices have risen sharply to touch the 44 mark. I had recommended that investors use the recent dip to buy, or to wait till the 42 level is crossed convincingly.

If you missed out on the buying opportunities, wait for a likely pullback towards 42 to enter. The 14 day SMA is turning upwards. The 200 day SMA didn’t stop rising right through the four months of price correction. The bull market in silver is alive and well.

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